Format of ancillary data signals carried in digital component studio interfaces 数字分量演播室接口中的附属数据信号格式
24 - bit digital audio format as ancillary data signals in hdtv serial interfaces 高清晰度电视串行接口中作为附属数据信号的24比特数字音频格式
Transmission of time code and control code in the ancillary data space of a digital television stream 数字电视附属数据空间内时间码和控制码的传输规范
Transmission of digital audio and auxiliary data in the ancillary data space of a digital television stream 数字电视附属数据空间内数字音频和辅助数据的传输规范
Overlay landuse classes from ancillary data on the land cover classification map in gis to add classes that cannot be reliably identified by auto - classification , and 在gis中将从辅助资料中提取的土地利用类型与土地覆盖分类图叠加,从而添加通过自动分类无法可靠区分的类型。
For landuse classes that are difficult to be directly extracted from images , we employed gis data processing capabilities with the ancillary data acquired from various sources as well as through the image interpretation processes 对于难于直接从图像中提取的土地利用类型,我们利用了gis资料处理能力和从各种资料源及通过图像解译过程获取的辅助资料。
Land cover of china region was analyzed using the 1km ndvi and the relative ancillary data . the result shows that the distribution of vegetation in china is correlative with space and the ndvi seasonal variations are different between various ecosystems . the land cover classification can be based on this character 利用中国区域1公里分辨率的多时相ndvi合成数据集及相关的辅助地理信息数据,对中国区域的陆表植被覆盖做了一般性分析,结果表明植被覆盖分布具有相当明显的地域性,并且各种类型陆表的ndvi表现出不同的季节性变化特征,可以此作为分类的依据;利用bayes最大似然分类法对我国东北地区进行了地表覆盖分类。
A software to process modis data is made in vc + + 6 . 0 development environment based on the hdf4 library and the general cartographic transformation package ( gctp ) . from which users can extract earth view data of different band or resolution and other ancillary data according to users " demand . it supports most current projection types and can transform projection coordinates forwardly or inversely and can calculate ndvi and evi 利用vc + + 6 . 0面向对象开发环境,以hdf4库和gctp投影软件包为基础,编写了modis数据处理软件,可根据用户需要提取不同波段和分辨率的对地观测数据以及各种辅助数据,支持目前通用的大部分投影方式,可对投影坐标做正向和逆向变换,能计算ndvi和evi数值等等。